Parent Info

Welcome to Fifth Grade! This is going to be a great year. I am so excited to be teaching your child math. I have many fun activities planned for this year. My goal is to help your child be as successful as possible. Here is some information that will help both you and your child meet this goal.
I will assign homework every Monday (or the first day of the school week). The homework assignments will consist of review material taught in previous lessons. There will be a maximum of 15 problems on the Monday homework. There may be times when students will have homework other nights of the week due to time restrictions in class or student did not finish the work. It is very important that you check your child's planner every night. Students will have vocabulary tests. The test dates will be on Thursdays. The vocabulary word are written by your child in their math journal.
I will also send out weekly emails with what is going on in our class, any tests, and other information I feel you would need to know. So, please if you have an email and have not given it to me, send it to:
Thank you for sharing your child with me!


Mrs. Bull